Virtual Joint Clinic
If you're preparing for a joint replacement at Maitland Private Hospital, our virtual join clinic can guide you through preoperative and postoperative expectations and exercises.
General Information
In the below section, OT Talk, the Occupational therapist will talk you through what to expect from the Occupational therapy team at Maitland private hospital specifically regarding your ability to perform your activities of daily living and functional tasks as well as the type of equipment you will need post operatively and where to obtain this.
OT Talk
In the below section, Furniture Height, the Occupational therapist will show you how measure your furniture heights at home.
Furniture Height
In the below section, Physio Talk, the Physiotherapist will discuss what to expect from Physiotherapy post operatively. This video explains how the Physiotherapist will assist you to get moving and perform your exercises after your joint replacement.
Physio Talk
In the section below, the videos explain how to perform your standard exercises for your total knee or hip replacement, we recommend you start these prior to you surgery if possible to aid in familiarity and technique.
Total Hip Replacement - Bed or Supine exercises
Total Hip Replacement - Standing exercises
Total Knee Replacement - Supine exercises
Total Knee Replacement - Standing exercises
Download your Total Knee Replacement information booklet here:
Download your Total Hip Replacement information booklet here:
Day Rehabilitation
In this section the day rehabilitation coordinator will explain how to access the service and what to expect once you have entered into the program.
Day Rehabilitation
Other Information
In this section there are some useful tips and common questions are answered.